Search Results for: reviews

How Do You Request Reviews?

We’ve written in the past about garnering reviews. We know they’re important, but getting patients to take time out of their day and write one can be a difficult task. To accomplish this, we’ve often recommend incentives, such as our successful “Have a Cup of Coffee on Us” campaign. But what if you didn’t have… Read more »

Why Do We Need Reviews?

You’ve completed your website and it looks great! Your copy is unique and addresses many of your potential patients’ questions or concerns. You have an active social media presence on several platforms. Your business pages are done and all your NAP (name, address, phone number) information is the same across the board. So, your online… Read more »

How Do I Encourage Reviews?

Let’s say you’re driving downtown and you notice that a new restaurant has opened up. You may be curious, but you don’t pull in for a quick bite right away, do you? No, like most people you pull out your phone and Google them to find out what other people are saying: is this place… Read more »

How Should You Handle Negative Reviews?

As a dentist and as a business owner, you need reviews and testimonials to tell potential clients why they should select you. However, that doesn’t mean every piece of feedback you receive will be positive. Hubspot recently featured a blog where 57 professionals offered advice on dealing with negative feedback. So, what does MDPM Consulting recommend… Read more »

Reviews: Yelp Vs. Google

We’ve discussed in our blogs the importance of accurate and positive testimonials. They can help improve rankings and improve your reputation, making people in your community much more likely to seek out your services. However, there are quite a few options online for your patients to leave their thoughts and experiences, such as Yelp. Does… Read more »

What Happened To My Google Reviews?

Have you recently noticed your Google reviews aren’t showing up? We understand that motivating patients to leave their thoughts can be difficult, so to see testimonials essentially disappear can be very frustrating. In fact, we recently had a client complain to us about seeing Google reviews filtered out. What happened to them? What can be… Read more »

An Honest Talk About Online Reviews

Before the internet gave everyone a resounding voice, we had to trust that people in commercials and infomercials really were consumers and not actors; of course their praises were genuine and not paid for! In the digital age, however, everyone has access to real reviews by real people who have made a purchase and have… Read more »

Obtaining Reviews and Testimonials

If someone tells you to try out a new restaurant or if you’re curious about a new business, what do you do first? In most cases you check online for reviews. After all, you want to hear first hand what previous patients or customers think of a service. As a dentist, your online marketing strategy… Read more »

Reduce Your Risk for Bad Reviews from Dental Patients

This article isn’t about reputation management, Yelp!, or choosing verbiage to respond to negative patient reviews. Instead, I want to discuss how your team members’ words and actions are interpreted by patients. Most often, dentists who receive bad reviews that mention kind, caring, reputable team members feel betrayed by the reviewing patient. Doctors may also… Read more »

Dentist Reputation Management and Online Reviews

Disgruntled Former Employees Leaving Fake Reviews I received a call from a dear client of mine one weekend. He had recently experienced some disappointing behavior in a long-time employee, and he had to let her go. The problem was, this employee had the passwords to his social networking accounts, blog, website CMS, and other important… Read more »