We’ve discussed in our blogs the importance of accurate and positive testimonials. They can help improve rankings and improve your reputation, making people in your community much more likely to seek out your services. However, there are quite a few options online for your patients to leave their thoughts and experiences, such as Yelp. Does Yelp offer the same benefits as Google? Which one is the better option for leaving reviews?
When Should You Use Hashtags?
For many professionals, social media can be a confusing issue. How often should you post? Will more accounts on multiple platforms help? Finally, the one question we’ve received quite a bit recently: When should you use hashtags? The best ways to use them will differ depending on what platform you use.
What Happened To My Google Reviews?
Have you recently noticed your Google reviews aren’t showing up? We understand that motivating patients to leave their thoughts can be difficult, so to see testimonials essentially disappear can be very frustrating. In fact, we recently had a client complain to us about seeing Google reviews filtered out. What happened to them? What can be done to avoid having your Google reviews filtered?
3 Ways To Start Building Your Reputation
According to a study released by Digital Intelligence Today, 92 percent of consumers trust their peers over a brand when it comes to services or products. That means if you have a poor reputation, people are less likely to seek your services, even if your SEO, search engine optimization, and your social media strategy are both solid. So, how do you start building a positive online reputation? What can you do to make your patients more likely to visit you and recommend you to their friends and family?
What Review Site Should You Use?
We’ve discussed how reviews can have a positive impact on your search engine optimization, or SEO. In fact, we’ve discussed different ways to encourage people to leave testimonials about their experiences at your office, such as offering promotions or asking satisfied patients to leave their thoughts. However, there are quite a few sites that you and your patients can choose to post on. Which review site should you use?
Organizing Your Social Media Posts
Social media helps you engage your clients and can also aid your search engine optimization (SEO) marketing strategy. While not a major factor, Google does factor in websites that maintain an active presence on social media, especially if people are regularly sharing, liking, or commenting on these posts. Of course, if you run a business you know that your daily tasks always seem to grow. Frankly, who has time to hit up Facebook and Twitter every day to post something? However, by maintaining a schedule and organizing your social media posts, you can find time. In addition, we can also offer a very helpful kit.
Can Facebook Live Be A Marketing Tool?
Facebook, along with other social networking sites, has become an essential part of any business marketing strategy. These sites present a very unique opportunity to reach out to both current and potential clients. Facebook recently unveiled a new feature, Facebook Live. We’ve had clients reach out to us to ask how they can use this new feature as part of their social media strategy. Can Facebook Live really be a marketing tool?
What Social Media Platforms Work Best?
At MDPM Consulting, we definitely believe social media can offer a number of benefits for your online marketing strategy. We encourage our clients to collect Facebook and Google Reviews. We even offer a free social media kit for our clients carrying a monthly SEO package. But what about all of the other platforms out there? Which social media platforms will work best for your online marketing strategy?
4 Fun Fall Promotion Ideas
Well, Labor Day has come and gone and next week fall will officially be here. What do you have in mind for the fall season? We recommend our clients have a few promotional ideas to debut in the fall. What fun fall promotional ideas can you implement?
6 Questions That Can Help Improve Testimonials
If even you don’t own or operate your own practice, you know how important a good review can be. Let’s be honest, the first thing we do before trying a new restaurant or service is to Google online reviews. We want to know that the business is worthwhile and operated by friendly, qualified owners and employees. However, asking your clients or patients for a review can be a bit like pulling teeth. To obtain a great testimonial, you may need to ask the right questions first.