Social media is a unique, and free, way of reaching out to your current patients and hopefully, gaining a few leads in the process. However, for dentists and their staff, finding time to keep these pages active can be difficult. In addition, many simply don’t know what should and shouldn’t be posted, or how often they should share content. Fortunately, our social media kit can help!
Check Out South Side On Lamar’s Little Free Library
This summer, a Little Free Library was erected in our building in honor of the Dallas police officers killed in the line of duty in Downtown Dallas on July 7th, 2016. The library located at the South Side on Lamar is one of five being built across Dallas. The library is free for residents and visitors alike, and we were happy to be able to contribute books to the memorial library.
Don’t Fall For The Domain Listing Scam!
We’ve written before about common scam tactics targeted towards dentists. Recently, a client emailed us after receiving a physical bill for their domain listing. Fortunately, instead of simply paying it they contacted us. We want to make our other clients and anyone else reading this blog is aware of this new scam!
What You Can Do To Help Houston
By now you’ve seen what’s happening in Huston on social media or the news. Thousands in need of rescue, nonstop rain exasperating already record setting flood waters, and the impact on Houston and other coastal cities in Texas only grows worse. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can help provide relief in Houston. Below, we’ll talk about a few things you can do to assist evacuees. Helping does not require leaving your town. Local charities and organizations are already sending crucial supplies, and your community can come together to quickly replenish them!
Help! I Need Reviews!
Put yourself in your patient’s shoe. You live in a community with a number of dentists available to see you. So, you hit up Google and then start visiting websites. You find one with a nice website, they promise excellent service and personalized care, but one thing is missing: reviews. You can’ find any for them, not even negative ones. Would you go to them? Odds are, you wouldn’t! You need reviews, but how do you get them?
Does Social Media Have An Impact On SEO?
Most businesses now operate one or more social networking pages. Doing so is seen as essential for communicating with patients. But does social media have an impact on SEO? Can having an active presence actually improve your rankings? Or is this mainly a tool to maintain communication with current patients and hopefully attract new leads?
Why Does Your Practice Need Reviews?
Your new website is live! It looks beautiful and is easy to navigate, you made sure it’s mobile friendly and you’ve also connected it to social media pages across different platforms. You’re ready to go! Only one thing, you appear to be missing reviews. No one has left a positive testimonial, or any of them at all, on your Google page or Facebook. No stars, nothing. Unfortunately, this can have the same impact as a bunch of negative ones. Why does your practice need reviews?
What Good Is Social Media?
Does your practice have a Facebook page? What about Instagram or Twitter? With so much going on in your office, you may begin to wonder what’s the purpose of a social media account? Well, being active on one or more social networking accounts can have benefits for your practice, from improving SEO to attracting new patients. Your social media can do a lot of good!
Let Your Reviews Make A Great First Impression
In our blog, we’ve often referred to your website as a patient’s first impression of you. Well, that may not be accurate. In reality, the first impression a consumer has of your practice would be reviews. Whether you’re 18 or 80, before scheduling an appointment or making a reservation, you probably check out what other people are saying about a business. Which means more than ever, you need to good reviews available.
What Can You Learn From #NuggsForCarter?
If you’re active on Twitter, did you happen to see your friends, family, and maybe even other businesses, retweeting a 16-year-old’s quest for a year’s supply of free nuggets? From Reno, NV, Carter Wilkerson tweeted Wendy’s Twitter account with a simple request: How many retweets would earn him a year of free nuggets? The company’s response, and the ensuing social media campaign, is a major lesson in client engagement.