Category: Reputation Management

How Do You Request Reviews?

We’ve written in the past about garnering reviews. We know they’re important, but getting patients to take time out of their day and write one can be a difficult task. To accomplish this, we’ve often recommend incentives, such as our successful “Have a Cup of Coffee on Us” campaign. But what if you didn’t have to offer an incentive at all? Recently, we spoke with one of our clients, Dr. Amy Vlachakis, about her process. At Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry, they have over 70 reviews, all without offering incentives of any kind.

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Why Do We Need Reviews?

You’ve completed your website and it looks great! Your copy is unique and addresses many of your potential patients’ questions or concerns. You have an active social media presence on several platforms. Your business pages are done and all your NAP (name, address, phone number) information is the same across the board. So, your online marketing strategy is off to a very strong start! However, you may have forgotten one key element: reviews. Why do you need reviews? What makes them so essential to your online marketing strategy?

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How to Build a Rapport Through Social Media

Let’s face it, most doctors and dentists aren’t the most savvy when it comes to navigating social media. Rather than risk making a blunder and damaging their brand, or leaving themselves open to negative comments and trolls, many choose to ignore it altogether. But social media is today’s TV and radio; it’s where most people get their information, so businesses need to learn how to become prominent online. The good news is that building a good and lasting rapport with patients on social media isn’t as tricky as it may seem. You may even be surprised at the level of brand loyalty such a rapport creates for your practice! Read More

How Do I Encourage Reviews?

Let’s say you’re driving downtown and you notice that a new restaurant has opened up. You may be curious, but you don’t pull in for a quick bite right away, do you? No, like most people you pull out your phone and Google them to find out what other people are saying: is this place worth checking out, or should it be avoided like a 14th century plague? Reviews can be a boon to any business. Even dental practices can benefit from positive testimonials and thoughts posted online. But how do you encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews?

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3 Ways To Start Building Your Reputation

According to a study released by Digital Intelligence Today, 92 percent of consumers trust their peers over a brand when it comes to services or products. That means if you have a poor reputation, people are less likely to seek your services,  even if your SEO, search engine optimization, and  your social media strategy are both solid. So, how do you start building a positive online reputation? What can you do to make your patients more likely to visit you and recommend you to their friends and family?

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