The start of a new year is the perfect time to make big changes to your online marketing plan. One area that practice owners often struggle with is social media. They often don’t have the time to focus on their social networking accounts and make the most of them. Fortunately, we can help with a free social media kit.
Tips For Making The Most Of Facebook
Social media is a great way to forge connections with your patients and to help introduce your practice to other people in your community. However, we often find that many dental practice owners and their staff aren’t sure how use their social media presence. In today’s blog, we’re going to take a look at a few tips for making the most out of your Facebook account.
The Danger Of Fake Reviews
You’ve probably heard that reviews are essential for a good marketing strategy. After all, what do you look at first before visiting a restaurant or business? Often, practice owners feel tempted to have their staff stuff their Google My Business page and Facebook page with fake reviews, or a less-than-reputable company may offer to do so for them. We urge you to resistant the temptation and avoid creating fake reviews!
The Importance Of Maintenance Marketing
When creating an online marketing strategy, many dentists and dental professionals have a singular focus: attract new patients. While leads and new patients are essential for a practice’s growth, you shouldn’t neglect your current patients. After all, current patients will return for checkups and care, and will also refer friends and family! You need to maintain a serious focus on maintenance marketing, which means nurturing a connection to your current patients.
Want To Try Our Kit In 2018?
With 2017 coming to an end, you need to start thinking about your 2018 online marketing strategy. Social media can be a great way to help boost your SEO strategy, as well as a great method of staying in touch with your patients. For 2018, why not try our social media kit?
How Do Reviews Help My SEO?
Yesterday, we looked at five unique SEO tips. In today’s blog, we would like to take a more detailed look at one in particular: The benefits of good reviews. Positive reviews can help your SEO and also make your practice more attractive to people looking for dental care in your community. In addition, we have a fun campaign to help encourage positive reviews!
How Do You Write A Community Blog?
Blogging can help your practice grow, offering SEO benefits and showcasing your expertise as a dentist. However, that doesn’t mean every topic needs to focus only on dental treatment and procedures. Occasionally, blogging about your community can offer serious benefits. How do you write a community blog? What topics should you cover?
Need Reviews? We Can Help!
Are you lacking reviews? If you only have a couple of testimonials form patients, then you should try and encourage more. A dentist needs reviews to show potential leads that they’re worth visiting. Otherwise, a person may be more likely to choose a different practice in your community. If you need tips on encouraging good reviews, we can help!
Keeping Your Patients In The Loop
How often do you communicate with your patients? Obviously, when they come into the office for treatment, you talk to them about their oral health and make small talk about what’s happening in their lives. But with social media and blogging, you have a unique opportunity to maintain communication with your patients outside of your visits, communication that keeps them informed about your office, and potentially reaches other people in their circle. There’s plenty of reasons to keep your patients in the loop!
The Specter Of Bad Reviews!
Halloween season is when we indulge our greatest fears! For some, this could mean movies about zombies or creepy crawlers. However, for a dental practice, this could mean bad reviews on your Google My Business page or your Facebook page. How should you respond to poor reviews, and what can you do encourage more positive ones?