Identifying The Best Times To Post On Social Media

If you want your social media efforts to truly support your practice, coming up with the right posts – while important – is not the only piece of the puzzle. One issue many people can overlook is whether or not you are posting at the right times. Even as social media sites have moved away from a strictly chronological layout of posts, knowing when to provide social media content can be advantageous. We can help you stick to a social media posting strategy that can engage more effectively with patients, encourage interactions, and increase the visibility of your practice online. By improving your social media presence, and helping you improve your website, we can help you do a better job of introducing yourself to potential patients around you. Read More

Client Feature: Dr. Peddicord

We’re smiling from ear to ear because once again, it’s Friday! This is a particularly celebrated day on the blog because it’s the day we give a spotlight to some of our amazing clients from across the country. We have the distinct pleasure of working with so many excellent dentists, and we’re not the only ones who recognize this. This week’s client feature gives a shout out to a dentist who was just recognized by the International College of Dentists for her commitment to serving others. Congratulations Dr. Erika Peddicord, it’s an honor to get to work with you! Read More

Planning Your Marketing Calendar? Check the Actual Calendar

It’s easy to make planning for marketing and social media content strategy a lot more difficult than it needs to be. You can over analyze data and hunt for some sort of optimized trend to point you in the right direction, or you can just look at the calendar. The seasons of the year dictate what happens in people’s lives, and that dictates how you should be marketing to them. We’re entering a season of holidays and the end of the dental insurance year, so how are you planning on marketing to your patients? Read More

Client Feature: Boss’s Day Shout Out

Hello Friday! The end of the week is especially fun for us at MDPM Consulting because we get to give a special shout out to some of our amazing clients! This week, we wanted to focus on one element of social strategy that we noticed many of our clients utilizing. You can easily incorporate this tactic into your own social programming in the future. We want to give a shout out to the dental practices celebrating boss’s day! Boss’s day is just one of many official-ish holidays on the any-reason-to-celebrate calendar, but it presents a fun opportunity for your dental practice. Read More

Client Feature: Dental Impressions

That Friday feeling is in the air, and that’s got us excited because that means it’s time for us to shine a spotlight on one of our amazing clients! We’re only as good as the clients that we have to serve, so luckily we get to work with some awesome dental practices from around the country! On this week’s client feature blog, we wanted to give a shout out to one of our long-time clients and good friends, Dr. Foust! Her practice, Dental Impressions, serves the community of Ankeny, IA, and we recently had the opportunity to redesign her website! Read More

Client Feature: Dr. Robert Cederberg

It’s finally Friday, and we’ve been dying to reach the end of the week because that means it’s time for another client feature! We feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work on behalf of, and alongside so many amazing dental practices across the country. We like to take a moment (or a blog post, rather) to give a shout out to one of our awesome clients. This week’s client feature is Dr. Robert Cederberg in Dallas, TX! Dr. Cederberg is a knowledgeable professional who takes an informative, holistic approach to dentistry. Read More

How To Build Your Practice’s Social Media Presence

Most business owners understand that they could benefit from social media, or they’ve heard that they should be using these tools. However, if you’re not currently using social media, starting can feel overwhelming. How do you get started? What do you have to say? As these questions pile up, it can be easier to just not start at all. Don’t worry! We’ve got some tips to make building your dental practice’s social media presence easy. You’re going to love the benefits that come with these tools. Read More

Client Feature: Dr. Jack Schwartz

Thank goodness it’s Friday, because that means it’s time for another client spotlight! Each week, we like to take a moment (or a blog post rather) to give a shout out to one of the amazing clients with which we have the great fortune to work. This weeks client is a new addition to the MDPM roster, live from New York, it’s Dr. Jack Schwartz! We had the pleasure of designing a sleek, optimized-for-mobile website that highlights all of the amazing work that Dr. Schwartz does — including fantastic cosmetic dentistry. Read More

Making Sure Social Media Benefits Your Practice

Have you looked to social media as a way boost the visibility of your practice? Are you relying on it to communicate with your current patients? While it can seem ever-present in our personal lives, you may have overlooked the ways in which a business profile for your practice can help you. With a business profile on Facebook, you have a way to share your online content more directly, and you have a way to encourage engagement with your practice, and your website. When your efforts turn into more clicks, and longer site visits, they can lead to better SEO for your webpage! We can help you understand the value of a social media presence, and we can help you figure out how to expertly manage your account activity! Read More

It’s Time to Celebrate Your Practice

Managing a dental practice takes time and resources. It is, after all, a business. However, just because your dental practice has to function as a business, doesn’t mean you have to lose your sense of personality! Case in point: Celebrating milestones. As a person, when something good happens to you, you celebrate it. You let others know so that they can share your joy and enthusiasm. When something good happens to your dental practice (like winning an award), or you reach a milestone (like a practice anniversary or in-office birthday), you should celebrate it and share the news with your following! People like seeing the personal side of your business. Read More