The Essential Art of Self Branding for Dentists

What is self branding? Well, it’s just what it sounds like: branding yourself.

Why do I need to brand myself? That completely depends on what you want out of your future. Some common reasons for self branding are:

  • You’re an associate dentist or partner who will go into private practice at some point.
  • You hope to become a speaker, consultant, author, or celebrity.
  • You want a personal following in case you move your practice to a new location.
  • You are a dental student who will practice with a group, as an assistant, or independently.
  • You are a professional and deserve a professional identity. Your skills are transferable, but make sure that your name is transferable, as well.

All too often, we see partnerships dissolve. Dentists who worked under a practice name move on to establish a private practice of a new name, and they have no history of publicity. No one knows who they are. Imagine being in this situation, but having 400 Facebook fans and 1000 hits on your blog each month. Now that would give you a great place to start.

It’s about being smart and staying ahead of the game. Read More

Do All Dental Website Companies Have Bad Service?

Not all do. Many, but not all.

What is bad service from a web company? It’s pretty much anything they do to frustrate, irritate, or anger you. The most common complaints are:

  • No one will return my call
  • No one will answer their phone when I call
  • No one will return my email
  • They only answer the phone when I’m working and can’t call
  • I get transferred from person to person and no one can help me
  • My requests take forever to get fulfilled, and sometimes they are never done
  • My requests are done wrong
  • People are rude on the phone
  • People get too technical and I just want my website stuff done
  • People make excuses about why something isn’t done or takes too long
  • People complain about their job, being overloaded, having too much work
  • The person in customer service has no idea what I’m asking
  • I’m getting the runaround
  • They’re rude to my employees
  • I’m overcharged and under-served

I feel your pain. I have actually worked with business owners and employees that say things like, “I’m not calling him back,” “I’ll make him wait,” and “I put my phone through to voicemail when I see his number.” (I’m leaving out the name calling and profanity.) This kind of service is not service at all, and you certainly shouldn’t pay for it. You can be treated badly for free at almost any “service” station across the country! Read More

Are You an Anonymous Dental Professional?

What is self branding?

Since you’re a dentist, you probably have some understanding of what branding is. In short, branding is the whole concept, idea, and image that a business conveys. Self branding, therefore, is the concept, idea, and image that you convey.

Isn’t my website enough?

If the website is for you, and not your practice, then yes, it is enough. Just enough. You would still do well to have a blog and social media presence.

Why do I need to brand myself?

Maybe you’ll always have the same job you hold today. Maybe you’ll live in the same house and see the same people and love your life forever. But maybe, just maybe (and in all probability) something will change at some point. Perhaps you’ll start a new practice or a new business. Who knows; maybe you’ll move across the country – or to another country. You might decide to become an author after you retire. At that point, will people know who you are? Self branding today gives you a head start on tomorrow.

Then again, maybe you’ve already written a book, spoken at national conventions, mentored young dentists, or started a new professional association. If so, self branding is essential right now. Without it, you’re limiting yourself. Don’t limit yourself. To quote Nelson Mandela, “We must all exceed our own expectations.” Read More

The 3 Dimensions: Dental Practice Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Team Commitment

Think, for a moment, of your business having three dimensions: you and the company are one; the client is one; and your employees are one. All dimensions must be in focus. For each dimension, you need a goal or purpose. You and your employees work together with the goal of serving the client. Your practice mission and vision sheds light on this purpose – the purpose of serving the client. But you, as an employer, must also serve and manage your employees if the mission and vision are to be carried out. So, in addition to a mission and vision, you need a commitment to your employees.

Now let’s delve into definitions and samples.

A business’ mission statement should define the intent of the company.

  • Ask yourself, from your patient’s perspective, what does your practice do?
  • Use words that embody the emotion, integrity, and expertise that goes into your product.
  • Keep it simple and short.

The MDPM mission is…

To provide dental industry professionals with a creative, consistent, and highly visible online marketing presence.

A vision statement sheds light on what will happen when the mission is carried out.

  • Ask yourself, what’s the purpose of your mission? What’s the intended result?
  • Use words, again, that convey emotion and excellence.
  • And, again, keep it simple and short.

The MDPM vision statement is…

To increase our clients’ profits through effective online visibility. To extend superior customer service with responsive solutions that address each customer’s unique needs. Every client should be proud to say that MDPM is their marketing company.

At MDPM, our first priority is serving our clients to the best of our ability, but in order to fulfill our mission and achieve our vision, we must keep our employees happy, focused, and driven. It’s just a natural extension, to Jill and me, that after creating a mission and vision statement to address what we want to achieve for our customers, we create an employee commitment. Some experts refer to internal and external clients – internal being your employees. Both types of clients must be satisfied if your business is to thrive and succeed.

The MDPM employee commitment is…

To create an environment and provide opportunities that inspire wholistic development of the individual. Every employee should feel appreciated, welcome, and genuinely happy at work.

As mentioned in previous posts, Jill and I went on a retreat this weekend to do some important big-picture stuff. Though we’re a marketing firm, like a dental office, we needed to establish our mission and vision. Here at the MDPM blog, we get a ton of visitors looking at mission and vision statement advice, so I decided to share our experience with you. Let me also say, my advice to dentists, and the advice I apply to MDPM, is based on years of interviewing, writing for, and reading literature from the dental practice management leaders. I don’t begin to claim the advice as my own; it is my interpretation of the information I’ve been privy to from leaders in the industry.

If you want to discuss your mission, vision, and employee commitment, or if you have questions about how to attract patients who will appreciate your mission and vision, call MDPM today at 972-781-8861, or email us.

Aligning Generosity with Dental Marketing

Have you heard the term Generation G? It’s the marketing strategy that experts claim is highly effective in our faltering economy. Generation G stands for generosity and giving. The philosophy is, a business should show that it is interested and involved, loyal to the community that supports it. To a dentist, this type of marketing involves volunteering and community service.

Many dental practices participated in Halloween Candy Buy Back this past week. Just today, I read that Operation Freedom is weighing all the loot (candy) to send it to the troops. It’s great!

But I want you to think for a moment, what volunteer activity will appeal to your target market? If you see families and children, or if you provide orthodontic services to kids, Halloween Candy Buy Back is a great way to get local families to see your commitment to American troops. Your event could pull in new patients, families who need a general dentist. Another good opportunity for family dentists is to supply the area schools with free mouthguards for their athletes. You could speak on oral health at neighborhood schools and day cares, as well.

But what if your target market is cosmetics or implants or sleep apnea treatment? An event that draws young parents and children won’t be much help to your marketing strategy.

It’s time to regroup and think outside your little box. Read More

Educating the Dental Team for Patient Retention

I’m a mom, and moms talk. The very best marketing you could ever hope to have is word of mouth. So I want to share with you a dental visit I had and two reasons that I did not give the practice a good word-of-mouth referral. My review, when asked (and I was asked), was that it wasn’t the right place for my family.

A few years ago, I made an appointment at a very well publicized dental center that had opened a new location in my neighborhood. When the assistant was taking me back for X-rays, I asked if the center used digital X-rays. She asked me what that meant. Hmmmm. All that fancy decor in the lobby, and the assistant doesn’t know what a digital X-ray is. As I explained it to her, she seemed completely disinterested. It really made me see where the priority was in that office. All appearances pointed to just that — appearances.

Please do not let your team wander around your beautiful office with no idea what a digital X-ray is.

Another instance that was quite a put off happened during the same visit. I was told that I needed my wisdom teeth removed. Now I don’t mind getting a filling, but oral surgery is another story. I asked the associate doctor if he did extractions in the office. He said maybe… Read More