How Important Is Custom Blog Content?

custom blog content dallas txOne of the hottest topics around is artificial intelligence, and whether you are supportive or skeptical of this new technology, the fact is that it is here to stay. But there are times when it can be more of a harm than it can help, and AI-driven language is just simply too risky for a dental practice. When you want to reach more people, it is important to make sure that you are saying the right things, and custom blog content written by real humans can help you to make sure that you are sharing accurate information.

With our content team at MDPM Dental Marketing, you can take steps to ensure that your message is driven home the right way. Artificial intelligence has made some costly mistakes recently, and using this technology on your dental practice’s website could leave you open to some questions from your patients. Are you sure that your current digital marketing team is not using AI-generated language?

Why Take The Risk With AI-Generated Blog Content?

When you turn on the news these days, it seems like there is always a segment on artificial intelligence. While it is generally less frightening than is portrayed in movies and TV, there are serious concerns surrounding its use. Companies and governmental institutions have gotten themselves into some hot water as of late with the use of AI chatbots, and the healthcare sector is not one to play around with. Your patients look to you for guidance, and when you depend on AI-generated copy, you risk spreading misinformation.

Custom Blog Content Helps You Keep Strict Control Of Your Message

Your website is an extension of your professional image, and if you are allowing your digital marketing team to post AI-generated copy on it, it could wind up making you look awful silly. As a dentist, your community relies on you to provide accurate oral health information, and that is too much responsibility to leave to a machine.

Also, dental practices often have to navigate relationships with certain providers or producers. Without an experienced team of dental copywriters, your site could contain inaccurate or incomplete information about services that you may or may not offer. This can put you at risk of upsetting not only the public, but orthodontic and dental companies who depend on you to be a good steward of their brand.

Upgrade Your Outreach With MDPM Dental Marketing

If your website has not changed much over the last few years, talk to our team about the advantages of keeping things active with a dedicated blog for your dental practice. To find out more about how custom blog content written by real humans can help you, call MDPM Dental Marketing at (972) 781-8861 today!