Should I Create A Twitter Account For My Dental Practice?

Your dental practice is a place where people can seek quality smile care, not a hub for social media activity. With that said, potential patients can be more likely to find you when you promote yourself effectively online. In addition to maintaining a quality website for your practice, you can operate social media accounts to help with your digital visibility. Many brands that promote online rely on Twitter activity to raise their profile. We can help you use the site effectively, but we can also talk to you about the value other social media sites can have when it comes to connecting with new and existing patients.

The Role Of Social Media In Online Marketing

The more present you are online, the more likely someone is to find something connected to your practice when they perform an online search related to their oral health. Your social media activity can create more links to your site, and more chances for people to discover you.

What Kind Of Social Media Posts Should I Make To Help My Practice?

We can help you understand how your social media posts can help you maintain a positive reputation with existing patients, while also reaching new people. With Twitter, you can share updates to your site, information on changes that affect your office, and fun images with you and your staff. With that said, you may find that other sites like Facebook and Instagram allow you to focus on more visually-oriented posts, and patients can be more likely to like and follow you from these platforms. No matter what you choose to utilize, we can help you make the right posts at the right time to reach more people!

We Can Help You Work Social Media Promotion Into Your Online Marketing Efforts

Your social media activity, along with your website, should help you promote yourself, and bring new patients to your practice. We are ready to help you cover all aspects of your online marketing strategy. We can create or update a page for you, and maintain it with quality content. We also provide Social Media Kits, which can give you fun, engaging materials to share through your social media pages.

MDPM Consulting Can Help You Make Better Use Of Social Media For Your Practice

MDPM Consulting can help you see how a social media account, or accounts, can help you with your larger efforts to reach more people, and grow your dental practice. We are excited to help you create or improve on an online marketing strategy that offers meaningful growth. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us using the information provided below.

Should you have a Twitter account, or any other social media account, for your practice? Please contact us today and let us help you! Email MDPM Consulting at, or call us at 972-781-8861.