How’s Your Community Involvement?

When you start an online marketing strategy, your keywords, social media presence, and blog posts are all geared towards your community. After all, local SEO is crucial for the success of any business, large or small. In addition to choosing the right keywords, you also need to become a fixture of a community. In doing so, word of mouth recommendations from people in your town can help spread the word about your office. But to become a fixture, you first need to become involved! How’s your community involvement? What can you do to take part?

Taking Part from the Office

First, offering promotions tied to the community can help you become a part. For example, Dr. Mark Miller of Snow Park Dental once offered a two for one dinner special. First, the special encouraging patients to comment and share on his practice’s Facebook page. Second, the dinner was to a local restaurant. Social media itself allows you to take part from your office. You can share information about local festivals, other businesses, or issues related to the town. More people are then able to see how much you care for their town.

Community Blogging

We talk a lot about picking the right dental topics for your blog, targeting the type of patients that will most likely benefit from your services. However, sometimes you should step outside the dental field for blog topics. Above, we mentioned sharing info pertaining to the town on social media. Well, you can blog about them too!

Taking Part Outside the Office

When possible, try and make an appearance at festivals and fundraisers. You can give out dental swag, help raise funds/supplies for food or fundraising drives, and let people get to know you and your team a little better.

We can Help!

If you’re looking for possible tips, then give us a call! We’d love to help you brainstorm and discuss ways you can reach out and become an active part of your city.

Do you have questions about being active in your community? We can help! We have talented graphic designers ready to help you create a unique website. Send MDPM an email at:, or give us a call at 972-781-8861. Talk to MDPM Consulting today!