Do You Have Questions About Reputation Management?

Managing your reputation online is essential for a successful marketing strategy. Reputation management involves everything from garnering reviews to staying active on your social media accounts. In today’s blog, we’re going to answer a few common questions about this process!

Frequently Asked Questions About Reputation Management

Question: Do I need reviews?

Answer: Yes! Be honest, what’s the first thing you do before going to a new restaurant or visiting a new business? You look at reviews. They’re a way of assessing a business’ legitimacy and also making sure people are satisfied with their experience. As a dentist, this is very important. Having primarily negative testimonials, or none at all, can be problematic for your practice.

Question: Should I include links to social media and review pages on my website?

Answer: Absolutely. You should make everything incredibly easy to find. Buttons that take people to your Facebook and Google+ page allow them to add reviews easily, and also for them to connect with you and stay in contact via social media. When you forge a connection with patients online, it keeps you in their mind when they see your content on their feed and makes it less likely that they’ll forget their next appointment!

Question: Does social media help reputation management?

Answer: Yes, it does. You can share information about office updates, community involvement, and more. Google sees when a business or dental practice maintains communication via social media, which can help SEO.

Question: What if I get a negative review?

Answer: Not every review is going to be positive, but even a negative one offers an opportunity. You can respond calmly and professionally, apologizing and inviting them to contact you to discuss their experience and see what can be done to make to right. You look mature and professional in the process, making reputation management lemonade out of lemons. If you want to learn more about reviews or social media, or if you would like to try our “Have a Cup of Coffee on Us” campaign for encouraging reviews, then contact our team today.

Do you have questions about reputation management? Looking for new ways to improve your online marketing strategy? Then contact us today and let us help! Send an email to MDPM Consulting at, or give us a call at 972-781-8861!