Category: Dental Website

Meet the MDPM Team: Gery Laboy, Account Manager and Training Coordinator

One of our goals in 2015 is to help our clients put a face with their contact here at MDPM Consulting. We’re always here to answer your questions, give you an update on your SEO and web marketing progress, brainstorm about your next move, or chat about what’s going on with you and your team at your practice, but there’s a buzzword floating around regarding the trend in online marketing: transparency. So, we’re making it a priority to introduce the faces behind MDPM and give an inside look at just what it is we do every day to serve our clients.

Today, we’re proud to introduce Gery Laboy, who is the training coordinator and account manager here at MDPM.

Full-Service SEO, content marketing, website support, and website design for dentists

Armed with a strong work ethic, an appreciation for communication, and an eagerness to learn, mentor, and provide top-notch service to our valued clients, Gery fills an important and two-fold role at MDPM Consulting.

Gery trains our team of talented SEO copywriters to create optimized, professional, and accurate website and blog content that reflects our clients’ practice philosophies and provides them with the tools they need to reach their target patient audiences. Gery also serves as a resource for our clients by answering questions, solving problems, explaining the web presence creation and management process, and serving as a sounding board for what’s next in the growth of their dental practices/businesses. Read More