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Friday, April 1: April Fool’s Day

We’re asking a very important question in honor of April Fool’s Day 😜 We can’t wait to read your responses!

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Friday, April 15: Passover

We hope all who celebrate have a joyous Passover with the ones you love!

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Sunday, April 17: Easter

We hope all of you who celebrate Easter have wonderful celebrations. Be sure to enjoy the beautiful weather and the time with your loved ones.

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Friday, April 22: Earth Day

Take a moment today to appreciate Earth and all of the ways this planet helps us thrive.

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Wednesday, April 27: Administrative Professionals Day

They’re the helpful voices you hear when you call our office and the first and last friendly faces you see when you visit us in person – they’re our front office team! We are so thankful for everything our office staff does to keep our patients happy, our clinical team busy, and our office running smoothly. THANK YOU! We hope your Administrative Professional’s Day is full of treats and well wishes because you deserve it.

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April 1-30: Stress Awareness Month

It is stress awareness month, so be sure to take a step back and assess the things in life that are causing you stress. Try to go on walks throughout the month; you might be surprised by how much it can help relieve tension.

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April 1-30: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is oral cancer awareness month. Whenever you come in for a checkup, we screen for oral cancer. Staying on top of your mouth’s health is the best way to prevent this disease.

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April 1-30: Move More Month

Move more this month! Try to go on regular walks, bike rides, or even try out yoga! Once you get in the habit, you won’t want to stop.

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Watch Out for Sugar-Free Drinks

When looking for a healthier alternative to your favorite soda, you may consider a sugar-free drink. But be careful, what many of these beverages lack in sugar, they make up for in harmful acids that can weaken tooth enamel!

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Healthy Snacks

As the weather warms up, you may want to cool off with some ice cream or other cold treats. For a smile-healthy option, consider low-sugar popsicles, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruit for a delicious and cool treat!

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Toothbrush Cover

Instead of protecting your toothbrush, a toothbrush cover could actually allow bacteria to grow. Instead, keep it upright in an open-air environment to dry quickly, and rinse with water after every use. Then replace your toothbrush every three to four months!

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A toothache that lasts for more than a day could mean you have a cavity or even the early stages of an infection. Which is why you should schedule a visit when you experience discomfort or any other sudden changes to your smile!

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Taking care of small smiles means teaching them great brushing and flossing habits as well as bringing them to the dentist every six months!

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If you love the care you get from our fantastic team, we invite you to refer your family and friends to our practice. We love to meet and help new patients!

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No matter what procedure you come in for, we will ensure that you are comfortable and feel at ease. We love our patients, and we strive to always provide them with the best possible service.

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We can help you achieve a smile that you are proud to show off at every opportunity.

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We hope all our patients and team members with April birthdays have fantastic celebrations. You deserve to treat yourself on your special day.

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Leave a Review

If you are a patient who loves our services, we encourage you to leave a review. It helps us grow our practice and allows us to reach even more smiles.

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Out Of Office

We aren’t open today, but we will be back and ready to help keep your smiles healthy tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you then!

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